Our aim is to promote golf as a viable form of rehab and recreation for amputees.
Golf provides a tremendous way for ALL amputees (as well as their friends, partners or carers) to:
Meet new people
Provide opportunities to talk to others - (lots of positive conversations about prosthetics and daily living are had)
Be outside in the fresh air in a new environment
Smile and laugh
Be active
NSW Executive
Nathan Rix
Nathan brings a youthful approach to our board being our youngest member. Golf is one of his recreational pursuits that helps keep him active and mobile. He enjoys the camaraderie and friendships gained from playing with amps. He also is a keen long distant swimmer competing in events up and down the coast of NSW.
Stephen Prior
Steve has been playing golf for many years and is one of the top amputee golfers in Australia. He represented Australia in the IPSA Handa All Abilities open (played in conjunction with PGA Australian Open). As a hand amputee, he uses a range of devices and is always willing to talk to others about technology and assistive devices for hand/arm amputees. Steve also enjoys a good laugh and catching up with fellow amps at all events.
Mark Ellis
Mark’s is our trusty secretary and skillfully keeps all the paperwork in order (as well as board members). He is also on the board of AGA (Amputee Golf Australia). He has also completed the Golf Australia Community Coaching and All Abilities Course and is involved in NSW Active Inclusion Sports.
Kath Tanner
Kath is our trusty treasurer. She has previously been on the board of AGA (Amputee Golf Australia) and is a current member of Amputee Golf Victoria board. She has also completed the Golf Australia Community Coaching and All Abilities Course. She is currently a representative on Golf Australia’s ‘Advisory Group for women and girls in golf’, and would love to see more women amputees become involved in golf.
Andrew Zantiotis
Andrew, or Zed as he is known, loves golf and loves the motivation and encouragement that is found within our community of amputee golfers. Zed is the organiser of our golf events throughout the year in addition to being a sports Ambassador for NOVA disability employment services in Sydney.
Anthony Carroll
Anthony had wealth of experience with NSW Amp Golf and Golf in general. Level headed both on and off the course, Anthony makes a great playing partner for new and old mebers.
James Johnson
James is the token “normie” and was accepted on to the board as a diversity hire. He’s horrible at golf and only “ok” at drinking. He loses more balls on the course then most pro shops stock, but he’ll make you feel great about your game.
Life Members
On the Saturday the 6th of June 2023, Amputee Golf NSW inducted it’s first ever Life Members.
Stephen Smith, David Hendren and Stephen Prior were awarded Life Memberships in honour of the work they have done, for close to two decades founding and growing Amputee Golf NSW.